pinterest tag help

Get Help with your Pinterest Tag

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By John Ward

Deploying and configuring the Pinterest Tag on your own site can be difficult. Especially if you’re not a developer. We’re here to help you with challenging Pinterest Tag integrations.

What is the Pinterest Tag?

The Pinterest Tag is a piece of code that allows you to capture certain actions that a user takes on your websites. Many other vendors, like Facebook, would actually call this a “pixel.”

The reason to capture these actions is so that you can help the ad systems optimize toward the actions that you want users to take.

For example, you may want users to click through your ad on Pinterest and then make a purchase on your site. In that case you would fire an “event” when the user completes the purchase. You can do the same for adding items to the shopping cart, or if you capture a lead for service business.

What happens if my tag is broken?

You won’t be in a good situation if the tag is not setup properly.

These are the primary issues that we see with Pinterest Tags:

  1. Tags Not Firing – In this case the tag is not firing when expected. This means that Pinterest is not getting signal from your site. Without this signal the system cannot optimize your ads properly.
  2. Improper Tag Firing – In this case, the tag is firing but not when expected. You could be firing the wrong event for the action the user is taking.
  3. Over/Under Firing – You want the events to match the actions the user is taking. Over firing or under firing the tag can cause major problems.

All cases of tag misconfiguration lead to degraded ad performance and increases costs for you, the advertisers.

Get Help With Your Pixel

We’re expert with various pixels including Pinterest. We help setup, audit, and optimize your Pinterest tag so that you get the maximum performance from your ads.